UPDATE: The Love Story of an American Expatriate Who Murdered His Father-in-Law - Deputy Mayor of Banjar, H. A

UPDATE: The Love Story of an American Expatriate Who Murdered His Father-in-Law - Deputy Mayor of Banjar, H. A

Arthur, an American foreigner, was arrested after killing his father-in-law and taken by the police to the Banjar Police Station.-radartasik.com-

"I have faith in the Chief of Police's ability to handle this case. We offer our support and prayers for him, as this case is also a test for him," says Kang Dim, known for his frank speaking style.

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"Hopefully, during the trial, based on strong evidence collected by the police, the judges can deliver a fitting punishment for the perpetrator of this inhumane act," Kang Dim hopes.

Regarding the American expatriate, who is a Foreign National (WNA), Kang Dim hopes that relevant authorities, such as immigration, can monitor him closely.

For example, administratively, as a foreign national, whether he has violated any rules while residing in Banjar city. "This is to prevent any other activities by the American expatriate in our country, especially in Banjar city," Kang Dim advises.

Kang Dim, who on Wednesday afternoon, September 27, 2023, was about to pay his respects at the mourning house, aims to console the wife of the late Agus Sopian and help her endure this trial from Allah.

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"However, just before going there, I received information from colleagues that I couldn't meet her yet. She's still calming herself. InshaAllah, I will pay my respects tomorrow," he says.

Similarly, information about the condition of Siti Bashiroh, the wife of the American expatriate, indicates that she is still isolating herself in her home and is not ready to communicate with many people.

"Both women, the mother and daughter, need support from all the citizens of Banjar city. The wife of the late Asep Sopian must be deeply shocked by this tragic and unjust loss," adds the admirer of Bung Karno.

"Especially their daughter, who is even more psychologically shaken because her husband murdered her father," Kang Dim emphasizes.

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Kang Dim suggests that the Banjar City Government should step in and provide guidance and counseling to both women, the mother and daughter.

Kang Dim then shares his perspective on the love story between the American expatriate and the girl from Banjar City.

According to Kang Dim, the lesson for all the girls in Banjar city is to be wiser in their communication in this era of technological advancement.

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