UPDATE: The Love Story of an American Expatriate Who Murdered His Father-in-Law - Deputy Mayor of Banjar, H. A

UPDATE: The Love Story of an American Expatriate Who Murdered His Father-in-Law - Deputy Mayor of Banjar, H. A

Arthur, an American foreigner, was arrested after killing his father-in-law and taken by the police to the Banjar Police Station.-radartasik.com-

With the sophistication of smartphones and various applications, everyone can communicate with people from anywhere in the world.

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"For example, in developed countries like Japan or England, their culture discourages using mobile phones for trivial matters that waste time," Kang Dim explains.

Developed societies feel embarrassed using communication tools for non-essential matters, which only consume time.

"In contrast, in our society, we spend the whole day glued to our phones, even for trivial matters. We should start using our advanced smartphones wisely for beneficial purposes, such as acquiring knowledge," Kang Dim advises. (*)

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