19 Lowongan Kerja Masih Dibuka oleh PT Telkom Indonesia, Ini Persyaratan Lengkapnya

19 Lowongan Kerja Masih Dibuka oleh PT Telkom Indonesia, Ini Persyaratan Lengkapnya

19 lowongan kerja masih dibuka oleh PT Telkom Indonesia --

- Using GIT as a repository management of application code.


Persyaratan yang harus Kamu Penuhi

- Memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai Back End Developer minimal 2 tahun.

- Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit.

- Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.

- Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean-code, and pragmatic aspects of programming.


- Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.

- Good analytical and logical thinking.

- Good practice in Clean Code and SOLID Principle.

- Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI.

- Knowledge of SQL/NoSQL and in-memory database.

- Knowledge of Microservices Architecture.

- Good Practice using Gitflow.

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