Speaker Aktif Party JBL dan Polytron Turun Harga April 2024, Ini Spesifikasinya

Senin 29-04-2024,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Ruslan
Editor : Ruslan

3. Harga Polytron Party Speaker Bluetooth Karaoke Portable Wireless PPS 8L12

Dilengkapi fitur super bass, Polytron Party Speaker Bluetooth Karaoke Portable Wireless PPS 8L12 dengan animated light menghasilkan suara berkualitas khas Polytron.

- Harga sebelumnya Rp 1.799.000

- Harga baru Rp 1.599.000

- Dual Power (AC & Battery)

- Battery Life up to 21 Hours

- Animation Light

- TWS Connection

- Free 1 Multi Channel WIRELESS MIC

- Bluetooth Connection v5

- Supported with Polytron Audio Connect App

- Power Output: 50 Watt RMS

Polytron Party Speaker Bluetooth Karaoke Portable Wireless PPS 8L12 turun harga.-Polytron-

4. Harga Polytron Party Speaker Bluetooth Karaoke Portable Wireless PPS 8L22

Dilengkapi itur super bass, Polytron Party Speaker Bluetooth Karaoke Portable Wireless PPS 8L22 dengan animated light menghasilkan suara berkualitas khas Polytron.

- Harga sebelumnya Rp 2.199.000

- Harga lama Rp 1.999.000

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