15 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII, Selamat Mencoba!

Selasa 13-12-2022,18:40 WIB
Reporter : Ruslan
Editor : Ruslan

- To carry her bag.

- To take the bus.

- To take a taxi.

- To book a ticket.

- To remove her bag.

11. Girl : Excuse me. May I see Mr Kusuma?

Man : I am so sorry. He has just left this room. What can I do for you?

Girl : Just tell him that I have left my assignment on his desk.

Man : Sure. I will inform him of it.

Girl : Thank you.

Man : You’re welcome.

Where does the dialogue probably take place?

- In the rest room.

- In the office.

- In the teacher's room.

- In the classroom.

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